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where you get access to PFA-only content.

Designed with the wealth creator in mind!


Here are some goodies for ya'!

A selection of trainings that will support you in business, relationships, and life!

Just click on the respective image below to get access to whichever one(s) you'd love!

The TOY Approach

Be a thought leader who cares beyond business.


My quick, bullet-point notes from this talk can be found right HERE

The Art of Saying No, graciously and confidently

Creating room for more God YESes in your life by saying NO more (aka “boundaries”)


My quick, bullet-point notes from this talk can be found right HERE

Goodbye, mental chaos. Hello, creative flow.

Freeing up productive brain space by clearing out the physical clutter


My quick, bullet-point notes from this talk can be found right HERE


And, here is the video recording.

PFA Contact Info

You'll find our contact details here for PFA, Season 8. Let's stay in touch outside of GroupMe, too!


If you have not yet filled this out, you can do that right HERE.

Helpful Links

HERE are some helpful links that have come through PFA - speakers, pictures, etc.


If you have any that you want to be shared here, please just email them to me at

Thought provoking Questions

These questions will get your wheels turning, and bring out your creativity!